Legend of the queen's slipper


The legend of Queen Elizabeth's slipper speaks of a gem-encrusted slipper found by a shepherd in Rocca Calanna, in Bronte.
The legend of Queen Elizabeth's slipper tells that the Queen of England, in order to get rid of the difficulties that prevented her from ascending the throne, invoked the devil who concluded a pact with her that would make her reign for 44 years. When the queen died, a procession of devils carried her away: she flew over the stormy sea, crossed France and Italy in storms. Tired, he deposited his royal prey on top of Rocca Calanna, between Bronte and Maletto, on the slopes of Etna. When the procession resumed its flight, a jewel-encrusted slipper fell from the queen's foot. It is said that when he fell he left his footprint on the rock. A shepherd saw that diabolical procession with a woman wearing a crown disappear into the crater of Etna. Recovering from his fright, he saw something glistening above the fortress: it was the queen's slipper. The shepherd tried to grab it but his hands burned. Not even the sorcerer abbot of the town was successful. A nun possessed by the devil who spoke all languages ​​was also called who could read the queen's name guilloche in gold on the slipper. The slipper was then seen slowly rising into the air and resting on the nearby tower of the Abbey of Maniace.
When Admiral Nelson in Palermo was proclaimed Duke of Bronte, a richly dressed lady presented him with a golden casket where inside was guarded the royal slipper. The woman disappeared but the Admiral took the slipper with him in all battles as a talisman. that in that battle he would find his death.
The admiral died in that battle.

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