Places of "Malizia" - Acireale


Carlo Pelagalli - CC3.0

In the Baroque city of Acireale the events of "Malizia" take place, one of the most successful Italian erotic comedies.
"Malizia" is directed by Salvatore Samperi in 1973 and sees as protagonist the erotic icon Laura Antonelli in the role of Angela.The story tells of a cloth merchant Ignazio La Brocca, left a widower with three children to grow up, who finds the ideal woman to marry in the maid Angela La Barbera, hired by his deceased wife and arrived at them the same day as his wife's funeral. However, the attractive maid also arouses the interest of the two older children. While the eldest, the eighteen-year-old Antonio, after seeing his insistent attentions rejected and having discovered his father's aims, steps aside, the fourteen-year-old Nino, deeply infatuated with the woman, makes an incessant courting and hinders her marriage with his father. On a stormy night, in the absence of her betrothed Ignazio, Angela, exasperated by the growing series of erotic games that Nino has forced her into, finally gives in to the boy's wishes and gives herself completely to him. Once his adolescent obsession is satisfied, Nino abandons all interference and the marriage, so “blessed”, can be celebrated. Several places in the film are easily recognizable in the city of Acireale: The building where Ignazio lives and the fabric shop are located in Piazza Lionardo Vigo in Acireale, the high school where Nino studies is the Liceo Ginnasio "Gulli e Pennisi" whose premises were located in the former convent of the Dominicans in via Marchese San Giuliano in Acireale, the church where Ignazio and Angela get married is the Basilica of San Sebastiano in Acireale. The film also appears in the Piazza del Duomo, the place where Angela greets Ignatius by giving him a packet of sweets, and the Villa Belvedere where Ignazio promises to buy his son Nino a moped.

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