Feast of Sant'Anastasia in Motta

The Feast of Sant'Anastasia in Motta Sant'Anastasia is celebrated from 20 to 25 August but, every four years, the "festa ranni", that is the big party, takes place.
On 20 August the waxes of the three districts, richly adorned, in the morning they walk the streets of the historic center; in the early afternoon they enter Piazza Umberto, where they perform the traditional "ballads". After the evening Mass, the "Calata del Party" takes place, a show organized by the districts that is inspired by the life, martyrdom and apotheosis of the Saint.
On 23 August in the morning the traditional wax offering takes place , in the afternoon the historical Descent of the quatrains takes place, with the procession in medieval costume, in which hundreds of figures take part; in the evening the procession takes place with the relics of the patron saint, accompanied by the districts in devotional clothes and with their own banners.
On 24 August the statue of the Madonna is inserted into the wooden Fercolo, which is preceded by the Cerei and local banners. conducted in procession through the three city districts.
On the afternoon of August 25 the historical procession takes place that runs through the main streets of the village; at 7.00 pm the last Mass is celebrated at the end of which the Statue of Sant'Anastasia is again carried in procession, crossing the Mottese neighborhoods, the conclusion of which is marked by fireworks.
On the occasion of the great feast Candlemas is carried around the streets of the town. The most folkloristic aspect of Candlemas is given by the swaying movement imparted by the bearers when it is lifted and carried around and the swaying, endurance and speed uphill races among the waxes of the three districts. On the afternoon of 22 August each district, in the center of the square, manifests its devotion to Santa Anastasia.
On 20 August the waxes of the three districts, richly adorned, in the morning they walk the streets of the historic center; in the early afternoon they enter Piazza Umberto, where they perform the traditional "ballads". After the evening Mass, the "Calata del Party" takes place, a show organized by the districts that is inspired by the life, martyrdom and apotheosis of the Saint.
On 23 August in the morning the traditional wax offering takes place , in the afternoon the historical Descent of the quatrains takes place, with the procession in medieval costume, in which hundreds of figures take part; in the evening the procession takes place with the relics of the patron saint, accompanied by the districts in devotional clothes and with their own banners.
On 24 August the statue of the Madonna is inserted into the wooden Fercolo, which is preceded by the Cerei and local banners. conducted in procession through the three city districts.
On the afternoon of August 25 the historical procession takes place that runs through the main streets of the village; at 7.00 pm the last Mass is celebrated at the end of which the Statue of Sant'Anastasia is again carried in procession, crossing the Mottese neighborhoods, the conclusion of which is marked by fireworks.
On the occasion of the great feast Candlemas is carried around the streets of the town. The most folkloristic aspect of Candlemas is given by the swaying movement imparted by the bearers when it is lifted and carried around and the swaying, endurance and speed uphill races among the waxes of the three districts. On the afternoon of 22 August each district, in the center of the square, manifests its devotion to Santa Anastasia.
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