Feast of St. John the Baptist in Ragusa

The Feast of San Giovanni Battista in Ragusa is celebrated in the month of June, on the anniversary of his birth, and in that of August, the anniversary of his martyrdom.
In the month of June, a rich liturgical program is organized which culminates on June 24, the day of the nativity anniversary, with a holy celebration in which the bearers of the Fercolo take part.
The great Patronal Feast of San Giovanni Battista in Ragusa takes place in the month in August.
The solemn celebrations traditionally begin on August 19 with the opening of the niche of the Saint and the translation of the simulacrum, various cultural, artistic and sporting events, until the conclusion of the feast on August 29, the day of the martyrdom .
On the 27th the statue of St. John embraces his devotees again in the streets of the city until he arrives in a parish that will host him for a day with songs, liturgies, prayer vigils, to then return to the Cathedral in the evening of 28. August 29 is the main popular festival, with the city gathering around its saint with a kilometer-long procession of candles, whose legacy could be attributable to the illuminations that took place during the seventeenth century in Ibla. In it transpires silence, prayer and a great devotion visible in the barefoot faithful or with a red garment as a sign of a vote or grace received. They walk through the streets of the historic center together with the Holy Ark, preceding the statue that Carmelo Licitra delivered in 1861 to the fervent devotion of the people of Ragusa, taking the place of the ancient one for reasons not yet clarified.
Dates and Scheduling
29 Aug 2024
Solennità del Martirio di San Giovanni Battista
La Cattedrale rimarrà aperta tutto il giorno dalle ore 06.00 alle ore 24.00.
Celebrazioni Eucaristiche alle ore: 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11.30 - 17.30 - 22.30
È possibile accendere le torce davanti al Simulacro di San Giovanni nel giardino
di corso Vittorio Veneto. Nessuna persona è autorizzata alla raccolta di offerte per i festeggiamenti in onore di San Giovanni Battista; chi vuole può lasciare la propria offerta nelle cassette votive davanti al simulacro di San Giovanni.
07:00 Holy Mass.
08:00 Holy Mass.
09:00 Holy Mass.
10:00 Holy Mass.
11:30 Solemn Pontifical presided over by H.E.R. Mons. Giuseppe La Placa, Bishop of Ragusa, with the participation of the Civil and Military Authorities, the Canons of the Cathedral Chapter, the Clergy, the Men and Women Religious and the Faithful.
The liturgical service is handled by the Seminarians.< br>At the end of the Celebration: Act of Entrustment to Saint John the Baptist, Principal Patron of the Diocese and the City of Ragusa.
The songs will be performed by the Cathedral Choir, Maestro Giorgio Occhipinti on the organ, Maestro Giovanni Giaquinta directing.
17:30 Solemn Holy Mass.
18:15 Arrivo in piazza San Giovanni dei Corpi Bandistici: San Giorgio - “Città di Ragusa” diretto dal M° Giacomo Antonio Palermo, “A. Scarlatti” di Chiaramonte Gulfi (RG) diretto dal M° Sebastiano Gurrieri e “G. Rossini” di Pedalino (RG) diretto dal M° Gianfilippo Pollicita.
Precede l’ Arca Santa seguita dai fedeli con i ceri votivi e dal Corpo Bandistico “G. Rossini” di Pedalino.
USCITA DEL VENERATO SIMULACRO DEL PATRONO SAN GIOVANNI BATTISTA accolto sul sagrato dal tradizionale lancio di volantini colorati (offerti dal Libero Consorzio di Ragusa), dal suono a festa delle campane, dallo sparo dei fuochi d’artificio, dai Corpi Bandistici San Giorgio - “Città di Ragusa” e “A. Scarlatti” di Chiaramonte Gulfi (RG).
Partecipano alla Solenne Processione: S.E.R. Mons. Giuseppe La Placa, Vescovo di Ragusa, le Autorità Civili e Militari, i Canonici del Capitolo della Cattedrale, il Clero, i Religiosi, le Religiose e i Fedeli tutti.
Upon the arrival of the statue of the Patron Saint in Piazza San Giovanni: traditional greeting to the faithful, the Diocese and the City of Ragusa by H.E.R. Monsignor Giuseppe La Placa, Bishop of Ragusa.
22:30 Holy Mass.
24:00 At the end of the celebrations, a FIREWORKS show on the San Vito Bridge.
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