Feast of the Patriarch San Giuseppe in Francofonte

Andrea Serafico - CC1.0
The Feast of San Giuseppe in Francofonte is characterized by the traditional procession of the Holy Family. Traditionally, the three figures who play St. Joseph, the Madonna and the Child are drawn by lot from among the poorest people in the town. On the morning of the feast, March 19, the three poor people, wearing costumes and halos, take part in the procession, with the village band behind them, which ends at the Mother Church where the solemn celebration begins. After the celebration, the procession continues and always travels along the main streets of the town. A characteristic of this procession is that behind each of the three poor people there is a person holding a four-pointed handkerchief where anyone can drop their offering. The procession concludes in the main square where a laden table is set up where the Holy Family will have lunch.
In the afternoon the auction takes place of the gifts which during the morning were brought by the devotees to the Holy Family, the proceeds are divided equally to the three poor people and are added to the sum that the poor people have collected during the procession.
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