Feast of San Pietro in Modica

On 29 June the Feast of San Pietro takes place in Modica, co-patron of the city together with San Giorgio.
The procession of the holy relics of San Pietro takes place on the feast day, carried in a silver arm, the work of Civiletti , which represents Saint Peter in the act of performing the great miracle with the healing of the paralytic at the gates of the Temple.
On the evening of June 29, after the traditional exit of the Saint, the procession of the statuary group of Saint Peter takes place and of the paralytic through the streets of the historic center illuminated by a thousand torches.
On the occasion of the celebrations in honor of St. Peter, the traditional "Fiera di San Pietro" is organized.
Dates and Scheduling
28 Jun 2024
19:00 Holy Mass.
21:00 PAOLO MIELI talks with Enzo Scarso and presents the book "The authoritarian century" as part of the SCENARI initiative.
Scalinata San Pietro
29 Jun 2024
08:30 Holy Mass.
10:00 Procession from the town hall, accompanied by the Modica Civic Philharmonic, with the presence of the Mayor, the Regional Authorities, the Municipal Administration, the President of the Council and the Municipal Councillors, the Civil and Military Authorities and the Representatives of the local Associations.
10:30 Mass for the city.
19:00 Solemn Concelebration presided over by H.E. Most Rev. Mons. Salvatore Rumeo, Bishop of Noto.
20:30 Procession of the venerated simulacrum of Saint Peter and the paralytic and of the relic, along Corso Umberto accompanied by the Civic Philharmonic of Modica.
Corso Umberto I
22:00 ORBITAL DEBRIS in concerto. Tributo ai Queen.
Piazza Giacomo Matteotti
24:00 Fireworks Show.
Throughout the day of the celebration, the flowers linked to the "as on earth so in Heaven" initiative will be blessed and distributed, to be placed on the tombs of deceased loved ones, asking Saint Peter to open the doors of Paradise to them.
30 Jun 2024
19:30 Eucharistic celebration followed by evening visit to the bell tower.
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