Cicerchia Festival 2024 in Licodia Eubea

Among the festivals in January, one of the most important and attended is certainly the patacò festival in Licodia Eubea.
The cicerchia is an ancient legume that has always been cultivated in Licodia Eubea, from which a flour is obtained which is used to cook patacò, an ancient dish of the Eubean gastronomic tradition.
Dates and Scheduling
31st Patacò and typical products festival
Ex monastero di S. Benedetto e S. Chiara
Badia (Corso Umberto n.248)
26 Jan 2025
10:00 Opening of food and wine stands and music show - I Tavernieri
17:00 Round Table "Resilient, traditional and innovative agriculture: hope for our lands".
18:30 Holy Mass
to follow Blessing of agricultural machinery and animals and delivery of the Blessed Land
19:00 Luna de Flores e Andrea Chessari Music show.
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