Sfincia Festival in Montelepre

Every year in Montelepre, on January 6, the traditional Sagra della Sfincia di Priescia takes place. The Sphinx of Priescia is a typical cake from Montelepri which differs from the classic sfincia due to its characteristic e shape. Prepared with simple ingredients, such as water and flour, sugar, honey and cinnamon, it is a sweet that is enjoyed especially during the Christmas season and on the day of the Epiphany. Hundreds of people gather every year for the traditional appointment.
Dates to be confirmed, program not yet available.
Dates and Scheduling
6 Jan 2025
16:30 Stand opening and Sfince tasting
Piazza Portella delle Ginestre
Village of the elves
by the Ass. Armiggiusi
Parco Urbano Montelepre
Artistic nativity scene organized by the Mother Parish
Chiesa dei Caduti
Musical entertainment with the traveling folk group (colors of Sicily)
Arrival of the Befana with the firefighters
Befana tombola
Piazza Portella delle Ginestre
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