Sirmuma Museum of Sea in Syracuse

The Museum of the Sea of Syracuse , called Sirmuma , is located in the heart of Ortigia , and houses a vast repertoire of equipment, models and documents that reconstruct the rich memory and the vast maritime tradition of the city.
Sirmuma is the first and only museum in Sicily where the entire naval carpentry chain has been rebuilt, from the initial design and project to the final construction of the boats.
The Museum tells what the sea has represented for Syracuse in the course of history. It preserves a priceless material and immaterial heritage, preserves and exhibits objects, works, artifacts, written testimonies, images and documents that summarize the relationship between the city and its sea and allow you to deepen the seafaring culture and the history of the territory.
The exhibition hosts a sector dedicated to "fishing" in which ample space has been given to the Syracusan tuna fish, especially that of Marzamemi. In addition to the equipment useful for fishing, there are exhibited valuable models of boats belonging to the Tonnara di Marzamemi. The room is enriched with didactic material such as models and videos.