Fragapane cave in the Valley of the Temples

The Grotta Fragapane in Agrigento is the largest catacomb in the Valley of the Temples. It is a large community catacomb dating back to the 5th century BC.
The catacomb is made up of corridors, ambulacra, small burial chambers, cubicles and rotundas, large sepulchral chambers, obtained from the pre-existing bell cisterns of the Greek age. A large 25-metre-long gallery crosses it and has two entrances with thresholds and jambs at the ends. The two entrances connect the Grotta Fragapane to the north with the paleo-Christian necropolis sub-divo and to the south with the Roman cemetery Giambertoni. On the sides of the gallery there are narrow corridors which lead to the cubicles. On the other hand, arcosolia open up on the walls. In the floor of the gallery there are a formae tombs.
The walls of the Fragapane Cave were originally decorated, traces of this decoration are still visible in the northern area of ​​the cave. Some festoon and floral motifs depicting red roses and green leaves can be recognized.

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