Immacolatelle and Micio Conti Complex

Immacolatelle and Micio Conti Complex


 San Gregorio di Catania - Catania (CT)

Immacolatelle and Micio Conti Complex consists of a system of nine volcanic cavities within a lava field with a Hawaiian morphology. The complex of lava caves extends for 25 hectares, in a typical agricultural landscape characterized by the presence of a widespread system of casudde, saje and dry stone walls. In the Immacolatelle caves, two collapses divided a single lava tunnel into several parts, giving rise to a complex of four caves. Inside the cavities there are interesting morphologies: in the Micio Conti the passage of the lava has left streaks on the walls and small recast stalactites on the vault; in the four Immacolatelle caves, lava rolls at the base of the walls and corded lavas decorate the floor; in the Grotta dei Tedeschi, a "cascade" of root systems of the overlying vegetation hangs from the vault.

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