Places of "The Sicilian" - Monreale


Some scenes of the film "The Sicilian" were shot inside the Cathedral of Monreale and in Archbishop's Palace.
"The Sicilian" is a 1987 film directed by director Michael Cimino. The film takes up the fictionalized biography of the Sicilian bandit, Salvatore Giuliano, and is based on the novel of the same name by Mario Puzo.
The main locations of the film are Caltabellotta, Sutera and Palermo. Some scenes of the film were shot in San Vito Lo Capo, San Giiuseppe Jato, Ragusa and Monreale.
In the summer of 1987 some scenes of “Il Siciliano” were shot inside the Cathedral of Monreale and at the Archbishop's Palace. Since one of the scenes involved the entry of a car into the Cathedral, Archbishop Cassisa demanded that the floor be preserved and thus a wooden "floor" was created, similar to the original, where the car could drive without causing damage.

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