Origin of the name "Santa Lucia del Mela"


The ancient name of the village of Santa Lucia Del Mela was Mankarru. Historical events have led to the emergence of a new toponym.
Mankarru, or Mankarruna, was the historic peak where the castle of Santa Lucia del Mela once stood, an important military garrison for all the dominations that have followed here. With the birth of the Kingdom of Sicily, the Great Count Roger I had a church built at the foot of the castle, dedicating it to the martyr Saint Lucia, in 1094. From that date the ancient name Mankarru disappeared and was replaced from Saint Lucia. The addition of the toponym Mela is due to the unification of Italy, following which it became necessary to distinguish localities of the same name scattered throughout Italy. del Mela was chosen with reference to the homonymous river, today also called Nucito, which flows in its territory.

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