Living nativity scene in Syracuse

Living nativity scene in Syracuse

 Dec 2024

 Chiesa San Sebastiano - Belvedere SR(ME)

Programma e date saranno a breve disponibili
Program and dates will be available soon

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The Living Nativity scene at Monte Belvedere in Syracuse comes to life in front of the church of S. Anna to reach the Monte, in the area of ​​the old wash house, where a path winding between rock walls illuminated by the flickering flame of torches, leads to the village and the grotto of the Nativity.
The nativity scene has the purpose of making the most of a natural scene of great beauty, the "Mount" where the rock and the vegetation frame the village of huts created and built with respect for nature, and intends to recall the authentic meaning of Christmas, with the coming of Jesus among men to reaffirm the message of peace and love in their hearts.
Several trades are represented, from the carpenter to the blacksmith, to the embroiderers, to the stonemason, to the fishermen, who with their furnished and illuminated shops will be the protagonists of this event . Along the way it will be possible to taste the freshly baked bread, the warm ricotta and the legumes.

The organizers recommend wearing comfortable shoes, suitable for the natural path.

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