Spedalotto Villa in Bagheria

Spedalotto Villa in Bagheria

Davide Mauro - CC4.0


 Via de Spuches - Santa Flavia (PA)

Villa Spedalotto is a holiday residence located on a hill on the edge of the plain of Solanto, surrounded by olive groves and citrus groves.
It was built between 1784 and 1793 at the behest of Don Barbaro Arezzo, on project by the architect Giovanni Emanuele Cardona, a pupil of the architect Giuseppe Venanzio Marvuglia, the greatest exponent of Neoclassicism in Sicily.
The single-storey house is built around an open courtyard in the center of which is a Neoclassical style pronaos. The interiors are frescoed in a style between the Neoclassical-Pompeian and the Empire, and are attributed to Elia Interguglielmi. Of particular value is the flooring of the terrace, in two-tone white and blue Vietri majolica.
The Villa was the location for some scenes of the film Johnny Stecchino by Roberto Benigni. The villa is private property.

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