Roman Villa of Borgellusa

Roman Villa of Borgellusa


 Via Sandro Pertini - Avola (SR)

The Villa della Borgellusa di Avola are the remains of a complex from the Roman era, located on the Lungomare Tremoli di Avola, whose construction dates back to the 1st century BC. with later renovations.
The importance of the villa is linked to the knowledge of the agricultural exploitation of the territory in the southern part of the province of Syracuse in the imperial and late imperial ages. The geographical position of the villa is such as to be in the immediate vicinity of a river area, as in the case of the villa del Tellaro, this allowed the goods produced to enter both sea and river trade routes. The presence of a paved road guaranteed a connection with the land routes.
Most of the remains of the villa are still buried. The best-preserved portion of the complex is the eastern one, which directly overlooks the Ionian Sea and consists of an atrium that leads to a peristyle, probably colonnaded, with the remains of a fountain with trefoil edges in the center. Various rooms overlook the peristyle, separated by walls in square work, with floors in opus signinum, and a smaller room to the north with a mosaic floor made up of white marble tiles. The western side has an earthenware basin, next to which there are visible traces of exfoliation of the walls. The center of the area is occupied by a paved road, which is believed to have been a connection to the ancient Via Elorina.
During the latest excavation campaigns, new rooms with decorated flooring were brought to light, which are still under study.

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