Church of the Holy Spirit in Melilli

The Church of the Holy Spirit in Melilli, also known as the Church of Santa Lucia dell'Ospedale, was originally dedicated to the Syracusan Martyr and was the seat of the Congregation of the Hospital.
The church has a refined and bright Baroque facade thanks to its use of hard limestone ashlars, the work of the Melilla master carvers Antonio La Bella Maggiore, Antonio La Bella Minore and Antonio Versaggi.In the free spaces we find niches, empty of statues, characterized by massive lines and surmounted by mixed straight lines at the ends and curves in the center.
A large spire rises in the center of the upper floor with a large crumpled sign decorated with handles inside. At its peak, the suppedaneo is characteristic, carrying the iron cross as if in triumph. The large portal and the window that surmounts it deserve particular attention.
The bell tower was designed and built by Antonio La Bella Maggiore with the assistance of Antonio Versaggi.
The interior of the church has a single nave with the main altar in eighteenth-century style. The niche that surmounts the altar and the tabernacle are in carved wood, the work of the master Luigi Sapia di Melilli, executed in 1880.
Inside the church there are various paintings and wooden statues of Santa Lucia, Santa Filomena and Maria SS. of sinners.