Sicilian spinning top

Handmade Toy

 Sicilian spinning top

Catonif - CC4.0

The Sicilian spinning top, called "rummulu", "Tuppetturu", "Strummula or" Tuppettu "depending on the place, is an ancient handmade game in natural wood, carefully turned by Sicilian masters to make it agile, very fast and easy to launch. its shape is a small wooden cone, around which some wire is wrapped, with the iron tip which, when launched with dexterity, turns at very high speed.
Originally the Sicilian spinning top was made from a wooden marble, in which inserted a nail whose pointed part was left out in order to use it as a pivot for the movement.
The Sicilian spinning top also appears in some scenes of the film “Baaria” by Giuseppe Tornatore.
In the Catania area the Sicilian spinning top is known as "Tuppetturu".
