Agrigento Diocesan Museum

Agrigento Diocesan Museum

José Luiz - CC4.0


 Via Duomo, 96 - Agrigento (AG)

The Diocesan Museum of Agrigento has its central and main office in the city of Agrigento and other exhibition venues, with permanent exhibitions, spread throughout the territory of the Diocese. With the various exhibition centers, Mudia Agrigento, Mudia Aragona, Mudia Sambuca di Sicilia, the diffuse museum allows you to preserve and enhance the ecclesiastical heritage without uprooting it from the territory and community for which it was conceived, designed and built. The diffused museum of Agrigento, preserves the Treasures of the Cathedral, as well as the history of the local Church, its religious, liturgical and cultic rites and traditions, the development of the culture of the area over the centuries, with particular reference to the artistic forms taken over time. It is a valuable tool for promoting knowledge of cultural heritage and, at the same time, for enhancing and disseminating the history of Agrigento's religiosity.
The Mudia in Agrigento consists of the open-air museum itinerary with the sites of the historic center that include the Cathedral, the Diocesan Museum, the Maria dei Greci Church, and Church of San Lorenzo.

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