Church of Sant'Agostino in Gela

Church of Sant'Agostino in Gela

Luca83 - CC3.0


 Piazza Sant'Agostino - Gela (CL)

The Church of Sant'Agostino di Gela, dedicated to the cult of San Giuseppe, is the oldest church in the city.
It was built in 1439 together with the adjoining convent. In 1613 the Mugnos Chapel was added. The facade was built in 1783.
The church has a neoclassical facade. Above the portal, a niche houses a statue of St. Joseph and, above this, there is the tripartite belfry.
The interior, with a single nave, presents works of considerable value: a holy water stoup in marble of 1541, attributed to Antonio Gagini, finely worked with figures and various moldings, composed of three parts, a basin, with a plaque on the edge with a bas-relief depicting the Madonna del Soccorso, the support articulated in different sections and the base resting on a support with the shapes of four legs; a canvas painted on board by an anonymous artist of the "Return of Egypt of the Holy Family" with the depiction of the Mugnos coat of arms in a Samnite shield in the lower center and a cartouche with the inscription "1686 in the year 9 of ind".
The Cappella dei Mugnos from 1613, an ancient and noble Terranovese family, in travertine, with twisted columns and a broken front, is of considerable value.

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