Baroness of Carini and Mussomeli castle


The famous and unfortunate story of the Baroness of Carini is intertwined with the Manfredonico castle of Mussomeli.
The Castle of Mussomeli became in 1549 the property of Don Cesare Lanza, Baron of Trabia and, later, Count of Mussomeli. Don Cesare Lanza was the father of Laura, the unfortunate baroness of Carini. The sad story of the baroness, killed by her father and husband for being caught in flagrant treason, has always struck the sensitivity of the Sicilian people and knowing that the baroness stayed in Mussomeli for long periods gave rise to the suggestion of the sighting. of his ghost in some rooms of the castle. It is said that she wanders in search of her father to take revenge.

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