Origin of the name Licodia Eubea


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The name "Licodia Eubea" is composed of two elements that have different origins.
The oldest term is "Euboea", deriving from the identification of the territory with the place where the Calcidesi of Lentini founded, in 650 BC, a colony with this name which was then destroyed by Gelone in 482 BC.
During the Middle Ages, the toponym Eubea was replaced by "Licodia". It is believed that the origin of the toponym "Licodia" derives from the fact that the Greeks, taking their cue from the possible strong presence of wolf packs in the territory, called it "lykos", a Greek word that means wolf and which could therefore constitute the origin of the current name, Licodia. The wolf also appears in the coat of arms of the city in support of this hypothesis.
Only in 1872 did the City Council decide to use both toponyms, adding the name of Eubea to that of Licodia, hence the current toponym of Licodia Eubea.

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