Origin of the name - Pedara -


BenAveling - CC4.0

Various hypotheses have been formulated about the origin of the name - Pedara -
A first hypothesis traces the term Pedara to the name of Epidauros, a Greek city in the Peloponnese from which, centuries ago, a colony left for Sicily.
A second hypothesis derives Pedara from the Latin Apud Aram or Ad pedes arae, which means at the foot of the altar. This second hypothesis refers to the remains of an ancient construction on Etna identifiable as an altar dedicated to Jupiter Etna. Giove Etneo was the symbol of the Municipality of Pedara and, even today, the main street bears the name corso Ara di Giove.
A third hypothesis derives the name from the dialect term ai peri, i.e. at the feet, to indicate the fact that the village stands right at the foot of the Etna volcano.

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