Church of Sant'Agata in Sutera

Church of Sant'Agata in Sutera

Berthold Werner - CC3.0


 Via ROma, 36 - Sutera (CL)

The Church of Sant'Agata a Sutera is located in the square of the Giardinello district of Sutera.
It was built in the Romanesque style in 1400 but rebuilt in the eighteenth century with the addition of the bell tower.
The interior has three naves , with barrel-shaped roofing in the central nave and cross-shaped in the side aisles. The interior of the church is in Sicilian Baroque style clearly visible in the carvings of the altar and in the capitals of the columns characterized by being all different from each other.
During the last restoration interventions, the internal walls are have been restored to their original color, that is an "azolo" blue which over the years had been hidden by decorations of different colors.
Among the works kept inside the church we remember: the statue of Sant'Agata, to which it is dedicated the church, and the statues of San Pasquale Baylon, Jesus Crucified, the Madonna delle Grazie, the Madonna del Rosario with San Domenico, the Madonna degli Agonizzanti.

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