Feast of San Bartolomeo in Giarratana

Feast of San Bartolomeo in Giarratana

 24 Aug 2024

 Giarratana (RG)

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In Giarratana, from 16 to 24 August, the celebrations in honor of the Patron Saint San Bartolomeo Apostolo take place.
On 16 August the celebrations begin with the sound of the festive bells and the firing of cannon shots, which announce the moving the simulacrum from the main altar of the Church of San Bartolomeo Apostolo to the central nave. The simulacrum depicts the Saint seated on a throne, with his right hand blessing while in the other he holds the knife, a symbol of the martyrdom he suffered. An older statue, of very fine workmanship, in which St. Bartholomew is in an upright position, is instead kept in the Mother Church and remains on display throughout the month of August and on the occasion of the anniversary of the earthquake of 11 January 1693.
A week of celebrations full of events and shows follows, culminating in the centuries-old Fiera di San Bartolomeo with the promotion of typical local products, sale of agricultural and livestock products.
The day of the festival , on 24 August, after the solemn pontifical, the traditional "Sciuta" takes place, ie the exit of the simulacrum between the crackling of firecrackers and the launch of the "nzaiareddi", or "colored ribbons". The statue is raised high holding the large beams with the tips of the fingers and carried in procession through the streets of the old quarter, called "u cuozzu". In the afternoon the traditional "dinner" takes place during which the gifts offered to the Saint are sold at auction. In the evening there is an evening procession that resumes the path interrupted in the morning that culminates with the spectacular "Trasuta", that is the "return" in the race of the simulacrum of San Bartolomeo in Chiesa.

Dates and Scheduling

24 Aug 2024


00:00 - 06:30 “The night of San Bartolomeo” - Solemn exposition of the SS. Sacrament.
 Chiesa San Bartolomeo

06:30 "Alborata"
festive ringing of the bells announcing the day dedicated to the Patron Saint.

07:00 Moment of community prayer and Eucharistic Blessing.
 Chiesa San Bartolomeo

07:30 Holy Mass
 Chiesa San Bartolomeo

08:30 The firing of the traditional 21 cannon salutes announces to the citizens the day of celebration dedicated to the Patron Saint.

09:00 Giro di gala dei Corpi Bandistici “Vincenzo Bellini" di Giarratana e “Vito Cutello" di Chiaramonte Gulfi per le vie cittadine.
A seguire esecuzione di marce sinfoniche in Piazza San Bartolomeo e Incrocio C.so XX Settembre - C.so Umberto I

10:00 “Homage to the Patron Saint"
Live performance with the “Film Art" technique by the international artist MIKHAIL ALBANO
 Incrocio Corso XX Settembre - Corso Umberto I

10:45 Blessing of the new bell dedicated to the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.

11:00 SOLENNE PONTIFICALE presieduto Sua Ecc.za Rev.ma Mons. Giuseppe La Placa Vescovo di Ragusa, animata dalla corale parrocchiale "Regina Caeli".
A conclusione della celebrazione il Sindaco, a nome della collettività, reciterà l'atto di affidamento di Giarratana al Santo Patrono.
 Chiesa San Bartolomeo

12:00 Tradizionale "SCIUTA" del Simulacro del Santo Patrono, Grandioso Spettacolo Pirotecnico Diurno e sparo dei tradizionali “nzaiareddi”.
A seguire processione per le vie del centro storico con la presenza dei Corpì Bandistici ‘Vincenzo Bellini" e “Vito Cutello".

12:30 Il Santo Patrono portato a spalla dai portatori passerà sopra l'opera d'arte realizzata dai “Madonnari".
 Corso Umberto I

13:00 Stop in Piazza San Bartolomeo and daytime fireworks show.

14:00 Return of the procession to the Mother Church.

17:00 Gala tour of the "Vincenzo Bellini" Band along the city streets and performance of symphonic marches in Piazza San Bartolomeo.

18:00 In the churchyard of the Church of San Bartolomeo, traditional "Dinner" with auction of gifts offered to the Patron Saint.

19:30 Gala tour of the "Gioacchino Rossini" Band of Pedalino and the "Risveglio Bandistico Kamarinense" of Santa Croce Camerina along the city streets.
Followed by the performance of symphonic marches.
 Incrocio C.so XX Settembre - C.so Umberto I e Piazza Martiri D'Ungheria.

20:00 Solemn Eucharistic Celebration in the Mother Church presided over by the parish priest Father Marco Fiore, animated by the parish choir "Regina Caeli".
 Chiesa Madre

21:00 Evening Procession with the Simulacrum of the Patron Saint, in the presence of the Civil and Military Authorities, of the "Vincenzo Bellini", "Gioacchino Rossini" and "Risveglio Bandistico Kamarinense" Bands

21:15 Esecuzione di marce sinfoniche del Corpo Bandistico "Gioacchino Rossini" a seguire dalla Chiesa Madre accompagnerà lo storico Stendardo di San Bartolomeo raggiungendo la processione al suo arrivo presso la Chiesetta Madonna delle Grazie, percorrendo Corso Umberto I, Corso XX Settembre
 Piazza Martiri d'Ungheria

22:30 Stop for the procession and spectacular pyromusical entertainment.
 Piazza Grande

23:00 Arrival of the Procession in the Church of San Bartolomeo Apostolo.
Solemn and traditional PANEGYRIC in the churchyard held by Father Francesco Narcisi OP of the Dominican order.
Following the traditional Fireworks Show.
 Chiesa San Bartolomeo

23:45 Spectacular and traditional “TRASUTA” is the repositioning of the Simulacrum of the Patron Saint in the Chapel of the High Altar.
 Chiesa San Bartolomeo

Grandioso Spettacolo Pirotecnico.
Lo spettacolo inizierà all'arrivo del Corpo Bandistico “Risveglio Bandistico Kamarinense" che sfilerà dalla Chiesa di San Bartolomeo fino in Contrada Presti
 Contrada Presti

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