Santa Croce a Casteltermini - Sagra del Tataratà

Castelterminese85 - CC3.0
The feast of the Holy Cross, better known as the feast of Tataratà, traditionally takes place in Casteltermini on the fourth Sunday of May.
The festival begins with the roll of the drums and the entry into the village of the four guilds or classes, which in ancient times brought together the citizens: the Real Maestranza, the Celibi, the Borgesi and the Pecorai, every Sunday after Easter, until the Sunday of the Festival.
On the Friday of the festival, the four classes: celibates, pecorai, Borgesi and Real Maestranza, lay wreaths at the war memorial in Piazza Duomo, accompanied by their respective bands.
In the evening, in the houses of their respective cashiers the auction is held that assigns the seats in the Saturday and Sunday cavalcade. On Saturday, the Sergeant, the Standard Bearer and the Captain (bearers of insignia) open the parade on horseback followed by other riders.
Sunday is the final day. The whole event is concentrated in Piazza Duomo. The short procession of the relic; The holy Mass; the Blessing of the Palios and the Standard; the Real Maestranza which deposits the insignia to the Municipality; Sergeant, Standard Bearer and Captain in their moment of maximum exposure from the balcony of the Town Hall and, at the close of the morning, the most demanding performance of the Tataratà group, the only one under the sun at 13.00. The festive afternoon starts at 5.00 pm. The parade of each class on horseback (the number of horses is estimated at about 400 units) sees in particular the protagonists, who in the Friday auctions, won the most coveted places, the last. Participating in this last day of celebration, the Burdunara: mules and knights brightly decorated who bring great joy with lively races. Do not miss the meeting in the Convent area, the highest part of the historic center about 600 meters from Piazza Duomo, will be offered to all present, sandwiches, boiled eggs, artichokes, beer and sodas. The gathering following the Third and last daily performance of the Tataratà. The Feast ends in Piazza Duomo with the solemn Blessing.
The Feast of Santa Croce, in its present form, was born in 1667. Before that date, ever since the Cross was found in an unspecified period, on May 3 of each year, coinciding with the anniversary in which the church celebrated the Invention of the Cross of Christ, a country festival was held at the hermitage of Santa Croce to which faithful and devotees flocked from all the nearby lands. After the foundation of Casteltermini, which took place on 5 April 1629 by the Baron Gian Vincenzo Maria Termini and Ferreri, the inhabitants of Castelterminesi believed it right to celebrate the Feast for the Cross with the participation of all the inhabitants and the involvement of all social classes of the new center.
Dates and Scheduling
26 May 2024
06:00 Livestock fair.
Piazza Samaritano
10:00 Procession with the relic of the Holy Cross, of the four classes and of the historical procession "Principi Termini and Ferreri", from the Church of the Passion to the Mother Church.
11:00 Solemn Eucharistic Celebration in the Mother Church with the participation of all classes and blessing of the Palios and the Banner.
Chiesa Madre
12:00 Exit of the Celibi Celibi, Pecorai and Borgesi with their respective Banners and Palios who will go to the homes of the Standard Bearer and the Palianti. At the same time, the Triad of the Royal Maestranza deposited its insignia at the Town Hall.
13:00 Performance of the Tataratà Folk Group.
Piazza Duomo
dalle 16:00 Raduno dei Ceti presso le abitazioni dei rispettivi Palianti e Stendardiere.
Raduno in Piazza Nino Bixio del Ceto Celibi, Pecorai e Borgesi.
La Triade della Real Maestranza preleva le proprie insegne dal Palazzo Comunale.
19:00 Performance of the Tataratà Group
Piazza Duomo
20:00 The Ceti Celibi, Pecorai and Borgesi, followed by the Cross (together with the Burdunara astride mules and mares richly caparisoned with fine harnesses) with their respective Palios and Standard at their heads, parade on horseback through Corso Umberto, Piazza Duomo and Via Rome. Followed by the Royal Maestranza class with the Cross, located in a cart pulled by oxen.
22:30 Performance of the Tataratà Folk Group.
Piazza Duomo
23:30 The Ceti Celibi, Pecorai and Borgesi offer tastings of boiled eggs, artichokes and wine in the characteristic alleys of the historic center "Valiciu" (Convento area).
24:00 The Royal Maestranza class on foot and the Celibi, Pecorai and Borgesi classes on horseback, travel through the main streets of the town, carrying the cart with the Cross in procession. At the end of the procession, the Solemn Eucharistic Blessing with the Relic will take place in Piazza Duomo, marking the end of the celebrations.
Piazza Duomo
The times indicated in the program are approximate
27 May 2024
18:00 Holy Mass of thanksgiving.
Chiesa Madre
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