Sant'Angelo di Brolo Summer Program 2024

Sant'Angelo di Brolo Summer Program 2024

 summer 2024

 Sant'Angelo di Brolo (ME)

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Every summer in the small village of Sant'Angelo di Brolo, nestled among the peaks of the Nebrodi, a summer program is organized with musical, folk and entertainment shows, food and wine tours and cultural and artistic events.

Dates and Scheduling

13 Jul 2024

Celebrations in honor of Maria SS. Annunziata

10:30 Cerimonia di consegna di borse di studio per studenti meritevoli
 Palazzo della Cultura E. Basile

21:00 Incontri di Gusto
with the participation of Max Garrubba
 "Nto Chianu" - Piazza Vittorio Emanuele

14 Jul 2024

Festeggiamenti in onore di Maria SS. Annunziata

C/da Annunziata
Procession and musical entertainment

19 Jul 2024

21:00 Karaoke con Aperitivo e pani cunsatu
A cura del Kiosko Bar
 Piazzale Ufficio Postale

20 Jul 2024

21 “Retrò” Theatrical Performance
by Antonella Mollica
 Cortile Palazzo della Cultura "E. Basile"

21 Jul 2024

19:30 Grandparents Celebrating
Holy Mass
Santa Maria Parish
 Chiesa di S. Francesco di Paola

20:00 Seasoned bread festival
by associazione Falchi d'Italia

 Piazza S. Francesco di Paola

27 Jul 2024

18:00 “TortAngelo”
Cake competition prepared by families
organized by the Ass. ACAI
 Piazza Vittorio Emanuele

28 Jul 2024

21:00 Theatrical performance
“Antigoni - Preview of a show”
by the "Maipiù sole" Association
 Chiostro di S. Francesco d'Assisi

30 Jul 2024

21:00 Theatrical Comedy
“Amara a cu Mori”
curated by the Ulisse Association and the S. Angelo di Brolo Youth Council
 Chiostro di S. Francesco d'Assisi

31 Jul 2024

21:00 4th Macaroni Festival with black pork sauce
by the Falchi d'Italia Association
Ballroom dancing with "Nebrodi Orchestra"
 C/da S. Maria lo Piano

1 Aug 2024

21:00 "CantAgosto"
 Piazza Santa Maria

2 Aug 2024

"Motoraduno Int.le dell'Etna" * 47° Edizione

21:00 11th Sausage Sandwich Festival with musical entertainment
by the Kiosko Bar
 Piazzale Ufficio Postale

3 Aug 2024

20:30 Flavors of summer
Watermelon & Sangria
In collaboration with the Camurria Association

22:00 Concert
 Piazza Vittorio Emanuele

6 Aug 2024

18:00 2nd Edition of the "RATTATA"
...from sherbet to Sicilian granita
opening and various tastings

21:30 Musical entertainment with "I Beddi"
 Piazza Vittorio Emanuele

7 Aug 2024

21:00 7° Festa dell'Arancino
a cura del Ritrovo San Michele
Spettacolo con
 Largo San Michele

8 Aug 2024

Festa in Contrada Santa Domenica
Procession and musical entertainment.

9 Aug 2024

Treasure hunt through the streets of the town
organized by the AVIS Sant'Angelo Association

21:00 Awards and musical show with the "De Colores Band"
 Piazzale Ufficio Postale

10 Aug 2024

19:00 Emigrant's Festival
Tasting of typical products

 Chiostro di San Francesco d'Assisi

21:30 "The Night of the Stars"
 Circonvallazione a monte, località San Michele

11 Aug 2024

Feast in Contrada Santa Maria lo Piano
Procession and musical entertainment.

12 Aug 2024

18:00 16th Hazelnut Festival
Piazza Caduti sul Lavoro, Piazza Santa Maria, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele

22:00 "Radio Amore Live Tour" con Carlo Caneba e Antonella Cirone, 2 cantanti di "Amici" ed il gruppo musicale "Stile Italiano"
 Piazza Vittorio Emanuele

13 Aug 2024

21:00 Theatrical representation
"Me soggira si voli fari zita”
 Chiostro di S. Francesco d'Assisi

16 Aug 2024

21:00 “Once upon a time there was a serenade” 10° Edition
 Piazzetta Santi Filippo e Giacomo

17 Aug 2024

Party in Contrada Soccorso
Procession and musical entertainment.

18 Aug 2024

21:00 "Bizza Fest" Pizza and beer festival
musical show with the "Trichorus by Kilimanjaro Band"
 Piazza Vittorio Emanuele

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 Programma is in no way responsible for any errors, omissions or changes due to unpredictable factors. We strongly invite you to check for any last-minute changes by visiting the website and social media of the event organizer whose links are indicated in the references field.
