Stacks of Lipari

Stacks of Lipari

Salvo Cannizzaro - CC3.0


 Lipari (ME)

The Faraglioni di Lipari, also known as the "guardians of the island", are two rock giants that emerge from the sea in the southern area of ​​the island, towards the channel that separates Lipari from Vulcano.
The highest is the Faraglione Pietra Lunga and reaches eighty meters, while the second is the Faraglione Pietra Menalda which reaches about twenty meters .
The two stacks are what remains of two volcanic buildings that stopped erupting in ancient times. Atmospheric agents have eroded the slopes which have completely disappeared. What remains are two towers of solidified magma, which due to its composition is more resistant to atmospheric agents, and which once were inside their respective volcanic conduits. This type of formation is known as a "volcanic spine" or "neck".

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