Church of the Santissima Annunziata in Alcara Li Fusi

The Church dedicated to the Santissima Annunziata di Alcara Li Fusi is located within the Motta district and is one of the oldest religious buildings in the village.
It is believed that the Church was the main church of the village , the “Templum Magnum”, up to the construction of the current Mother Church.
The current building dates back to the 16th century.
The facade has a splendid portal in local limestone. Inside there are works of considerable value: the sixteenth-century sculptural group of the Annunciation in wood; a telacolla depicting the Annunziata and the Archangel Gabriel inserted in a splendid wooden fercolo also from the 16th century; the large altarpiece depicting the same subject, the work of Giuseppe Tomasi da Tortorici from 1653.