Rosata Dome in Rodi Milici

Rosata Dome in Rodi Milici

Effems - CC4.0


 Via Coppola - Rodì (ME)

The Rosy Dome of Rodi Milici is a precious testimony of the existence of an ancient settlement on the bank of the Patrì torrent, the ancient city of Rhodis , also known as Solaria or Artemisia.
It was brought to light during some excavations carried out in 1989, it was in fact submerged by the waters of the nearby stream during the flood of 1582. On that occasion the population moved upstream, creating what is now the town of Rodì Milici.
The Rosata dome has been identified with the ancient Church of San Bartolomeo.
The church is an example of late-classical architecture and medieval. The upper layers of the old church mirror medieval archaeology. The lower ones, at floor level, refer to late-classical archaeology. The church, cylindrical in shape, is surmounted by a lowered arch dome. The pink color can be clearly seen in the dome, due to the plaster made with a technique already known by the ancient Romans and formed with the addition of a brick powder.
The Church inside is empty and, being of ruins, on the site there are open spaces and interrupted walls.

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