Church of San Giorgio Martire in Prizzi

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The Church of San Giorgio Martire in Prizzi is the Mother Church of the village.
It was built next to the castle in the second half of the 16th century at the behest of Giovanni Crispo Villaraut, on the ruins of an ancient church dedicated to San Giorgio built around the 1330 by the will of Giovanni Chiaramonte.
The salient facade, in stone, has a single large portal, with a round arch, surmounted by a clock.
The bell tower of the church is of particular historical importance one of the towers of the ancient castle of Prizzi.
The works kept inside the church are of notable artistic value: the statue of San Michele Arcangelo, kept in the right chapel, attributed to Antonio Gagini; the Parish Archive which collects 98 ancient volumes, some of which date back to the 1500s.
On the main altar is the colorful statue of San Giorgio, the town's patron saint.