Leontinoi Archaeological Park

The archaeological park of Leontinoi and Megara includes the archaeological areas of Leontinoi, Monte San Basilio and Megara Iblea.
The archaeological area of ​​Lentinoi, located in the territory of Lentini and Carlentini, contains the remains of Leontinoi, an ancient Greek colony founded by Chalcidians between 729-728 BC and other testimonies of more ancient times, such as the protohistoric village of Metapiccola. In the area there are archaeological remains documenting the history of the site from the Neolithic age to the Iron Age.
The city of Leontinoi was located between the two hills of San Mauro and Metapiccola, a strategic position for controlling the vast flat area where the very fertile leontinoi fields were found, which represented the pride and wealth of the city, to the point of being depicted on coins.
Thanks to the texts of the historian Polybius, a description has come down to our days details of the topography of the city which was used for historical and archaeological research.
The agora area is located in the valley, while on the two hills there are fortifications characterized by a pincer system dating from the 6th century. B.C. until the third century. BC.
The archaeological park partially covers the entire extension of the ancient city and is accessible from the south, with the entrance from the Syracusan gate, a pincer gate whose wall sections are clearly visible.

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