Fish Market Square of Trapani

Fish Market Square of Trapani

Andrea Albini - CC3.0


 Piazza Mercato del Pesce - Trapani (TP)

The Piazza del Mercato della Pesca di Trapani is a semicircular square, located on the northern promenade of the center of Trapani.
The original location of the square was outside the city walls, in a natural widening of the beach. In this place, until a few years ago, the fish sellers of the historic center met to sell good fish products, freshly caught fish. In fact, characteristic sales counters were set up in the square.
The architectural features of the square, a large porticoed exedra with round arches , enriched in the center by a fountain with the statue of Venus, they are due to the project of the engineer Giovan Battista Talotti of 1874.
In the square today cultural, sporting, theatrical and recreational events take place.

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