Castle of Butera

Castle of Butera

Davide Mauro - CC4.0


 Piazza Giudice Costa - Butera (CL)

The Castle of Butera was the central nucleus of a stronghold whose defense was entrusted to the mighty walls and the steep walls of the hill on which the historic center of Butera stands.
The castle of Butera it was an impregnable stronghold in a strategic position , it was the coveted prey of all the conquerors of Sicily: Roger the Norman had to besiege it for 26 years before conquering it.
The castle already existed in 854, when Emir Alaba became Lord of Butera. Inside the fortress there was a large courtyard, with stables and warehouses and an oval cistern outside. The large courtyard is now used as a public square
Originally the castle consisted of a system of towers connected to each other by curtain walls, parts of which remain today incorporated into buildings of a later period.
The existing structure is only one of the towers of the ancient complex which has a single original mullioned window on the front facing Piazza Vittoria. The third level of the tower is covered by a splendid ribbed cross vault with a noble coat of arms, a double-headed eagle with chain and unsheathed sword. Below is a magnificent stone seat.
According to popular tradition, a very long underground path connected the Castle of Butera to that of Falconara.

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