Pignatelli Palace in Gela

Pignatelli Palace in Gela


 Corso Salvatore Aldisio, 67 - Gela (CL)

The Palazzo ex Convitto Pignatelli Roviano di Gela is a building of great artistic value located in the very central Corso Salvatore Aldisio.
It was built in 1842 at the behest of Anna Maria Pignatelli, princess of Roviano, who with her will he decided to appoint Cardinal Sisto Riario Sforza, Archbishop of Naples, as the universal heir. The Sicilian Jesuit fathers, following the conditions of the legacy of the princess of Roviano, thus built this "boarding school for the religious and civil education of the youngsters".
The building is a neoclassical style plant with a square plan with an internal courtyard. The façade is embellished with pilasters and pilasters, while the lateral ones are devoid of decorative elements.
The building has always been used for public use. Today, within the walls of the boarding school, various voluntary associations operate. The palace also hosts cultural events such as exhibitions and concerts.

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