Archaeological Area of ​​Monte Sant’Angelo in Licata

Archaeological Area of ​​Monte Sant’Angelo in Licata


 Via Semaforo - Licata (AG)

The Archaeological Area of ​​Monte Sant’Angelo contains the remains of an important settlement from the Hellenistic period. According to current studies, it is believed that this settlement corresponds to the ancient city of Finziade , founded by the tyrant of Agrigento Finzia in 282 BC ..
The urban plan of the city was highlighted on the site. in which wide streets, "plateiai", intersect orthogonally with narrower streets, "stenopoi", according to a scenographic terraced layout typical of Hellenistic cities and datable between the end of the 3rd and the beginning of the 2nd century. B.C. We do not yet have information about the public places in the city, but there are numerous indications regarding domestic architecture. The numerous houses brought to light have fairly uniform characteristics: they have a quadrangular plan, have a dozen rooms distributed around a courtyard in which there is always a water cistern. These are aristocratic dwellings that suggest a change in the function of the site of Finziade which, having exhausted its role as a political-military outpost, is transformed into an important commercial center.
The destruction and subsequent abandonment of the site can occur. place during the early imperial age.

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