Rabato Neighborhood in Sutera

Rabato Neighborhood in Sutera

Pequod76 - CC3.0


 Sutera (CL)

The Rabato district of Sutera is the oldest district of the village, dating back to 860 AD. and boasts Arab origins.
The name "Rabato" derives from the Arabic word "rabad" which means "village".
It has a typically Arab plant with very narrow alleys, intricate intersections in which the dammusi are inserted. In the center of the neighborhood there was a mosque, demolished in 1370 to be replaced by the Church of Maria SS Assunta. This is due to the policy of the Baron of Sutera who envisaged the elimination of all places considered pagan to replace them with the symbols of Christianity.
In it, during the Christmas period, one of the most beautiful living nativity scenes in Sicily is organized.

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