Easter in Aidone

Easter in Aidone

Morgantia07 - CC1.0

 Apr 2025

 Aidone (EN)

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In Aidone, on the occasion of Holy Easter, sacred representations are held with the twelve Santunas. There are two salient moments of this event: Palm Sunday in which Jesus' entry into Jerusalem is represented and Easter Sunday in which the twelve Santunas rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Santunas by Aidone are large puppets made of papier-mâché and fabric that are operated by a man placed inside. The Santunas represent the twelve Apostles of Jesus.
The celebrations of the Holy Week in Aidone open with Palm Sunday during which the twelve Santunas cheer with palms and olive branches the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. In the morning the holy blessing of the palms and olive branches takes place, followed by the suggestive procession made up of the twelve Santunas and the various brotherhoods. The procession starts from the church of the Madonna Annunziata and ends in the mother church with the solemn Holy Mass. Another feature of this procession is the fact that the palm leaves are tied to form large crosses.
After the Palm Sunday celebrations there is mourning for the entire Holy Week. Easter Sunday is expected.
On Easter day the sacred representation takes place in which the twelve Santunas rejoice in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. After Christ met his mother Mary in the main square of the village, the twelve Santuni meeting in the simulacrum of the Risen Christ paying homage to him with bows.

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