Church of San Michele in Alcara Li Fusi

The Church of San Michele Arcangelo in Alcara Li Fusi is the seat of the celebrations dedicated to the Immaculate Conception and to St. Anthony of Padua.
It was built in 1518 together with the adjoining Convent of the Friars Minor.
The gabled façade is surmounted by a small rose window under which is the portal carved in local limestone in 1661. The portal presents, on the plinths, the coat of arms of the noble Alcarese family of Salerno.
The interior of the Church , with a single nave, it has a fine roof with polychrome wooden trusses and houses works of particular interest: a seventeenth-century gilded wooden statue of the Immaculate Conception; a 17th century Crucifix, a 16th century statue of the Titular San Michele; a canvas, dating back to the end of the sixteenth century, depicting the two sacred families, that of Jesus with St. Joseph and that of the Virgin with the SS. Anna and Joachim.