Mother Church in Capizzi

Mother Church in Capizzi

Azotoliquido - CC3.0


 Piazza dei Plebisciti - Capizzi (ME)

The Mother Church of Capizzi, dedicated to San Nicola da Bari, is the main place of worship in the village. The date of construction is not known but the last renovation dates back to 1769 and was completed in 1835.
The external façade is sumptuous, enriched by a beautiful Gothic portal from 1234 and by a valuable bell tower from the 11th century which stands next to the religious building.
Underneath the church there is an oratory, once the seat of the brotherhood of the Blessed Sacrament, whose vault and walls are decorated with beautiful paintings dating back to 1750.
Among the works kept at the inside the church of considerable value are: the viaticum to the bed of the sick; the San Nicola by Giuseppe Salerno, the Zoppo by Gangi; and San Gaetano attributed to the school of Novelli.

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