Petrazza Fort a Messina

Petrazza Fort a Messina


 Loc. Forte Petrazza, 2 - Messina (ME)

Forte Petrazza in Messina, stands on a relief south of the city to control the port, and represented one of the six Umbertine batteries placed to control and defend the port and the city.
The construction differs considerably from the others for the shape and other evident details. It has a polygonal plan, unlike the other Umbertine structures with a trapezoidal plan. The entrance is on the right and, unlike the other forts, does not have a drawbridge. The moat that once circumscribed the entire work has been almost completely leveled and is visible only on the right side of the attack front. A further element of distinction is the absence of the classic standard capon, useful for the grazing defense of the moat. Also singular is the very extensive left wall which has a considerable number of loopholes. The fortification has only 2 levels communicating via a single ramp, located in front of the entrance. On the combat embankment you can see the signs of the circular pitches for the howitzers, an artillery firearm, leveled with insulating asphalt sheaths.
This work was hit during the air raids of 1943. Today it is in good condition and is used for socio-cultural events, exhibitions, shows.

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