Cala Paradiso in Licata

Cala Paradiso in Licata

Salvatorebonvis - CC3.0


 Cda Torre San Nicola (AG)

The Cala Paradiso beach in Licata is one of the most beautiful stretches of coast in the entire Sicilian territory . Cala Paradiso is a natural cove, in the center of which a small beach of golden sand extends. The beach is surrounded by high rocky promontories that make its waters always calm.
The waters that bathe the cove are always clear and therefore it is possible to admire the beauty of its seabed. The area is in fact recommended for snorkelling enthusiasts.
Reaching Cala Paradiso beach is not very easy as the area where the beach is located is not served by road connections. It is therefore necessary to face the journey on foot.

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