Cathedral of San Biagio in Militello Rosmarino

The Cathedral of San Biagio in Militello Rosmarino, also known as the Mother Church of Militello Rosmarino, is the main place of worship in the village and the place where the patronal festivities in honor of San Biagio begin.
The building It has very ancient origins: it is certain that a sacred building dedicated to San Nicola di Mira, then the patron saint of the village, already existed in that place in the 15th century. The current structure dates back to the renovations and expansions carried out in the eighteenth century, a period in which San Biagio was named Patron Saint of the village and the church was dedicated to him.
The building is accessed via a wide staircase. The simple gabled façade is enriched by a valuable and monumental marble entrance portal of classical shapes with two columns and capitals, decorations and high reliefs. At the top, on the sides of the facade there are two mosaic windows. On the right side of the facade stands a high bell tower.
The interior, with a single nave, has a valuable high altar made with inlaid marble.
Among the works kept in the church, of particular artistic value are: the canvas of the Immaculate Conception by Giuseppe Tomasi dated 1672 placed above the main altar; an ancient wooden choir; a wooden crucifix dating back to the end of the 16th century, the work of the masters Li Volsi of Tusa; a nineteenth-century wooden statue, placed in the altar of the Crucifix, created by Bagnasco da Palermo; the Cenotaph of Filippo Corazza dating back to 1763, the work of Ignazio Marabutti; the wooden statue of the Patron Saint San Biagio dating back to the 17th century.

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