Linguaglossa: Etna Gate

Things to do, attractions, interesting facts


Provincia: CT - Area: Catania and Etna

Linguaglossa is the gateway to the north side of Etna.
The origin of this village is not known, the first documents that mention it date back to 1145. The feud of Linguaglossa was under the dominion of Arabs and Angevins and only in 1634 the citizens managed to buy their freedom: for eighty thousand gold scudi Lingluaglossa was thus declared free from feudal servitude.

What to see

Linguaglossa preserves a suggestive city center where the black of the Etna stone contrasts with to the colors of the many murals that characterize the streets of the historic center.
Linguaglossa is immersed in the Etna Park, its territory offers landscapes of unique charm: expanses of trees that alternate with strips of lava flows, craters, caves, pine forests and springs.
Tra le attrazioni del Parco dell'Etna che ricadono nel territorio di Linguaglossa ricordiamo: il Rifugio di Piano Provenzana, punto di partenza di numerosi trekking; il centro di monitoraggio vulcanico Osservatorio Pizzi Deneri.

What to eat

Typical food, local wines and drinks, traditional dish to taste in Linguaglossa

You can obviously taste all the typical products of Sicilian cuisine, the most well-known ones, such as cannoli, Sicilian cassata, arancini, etc. But there are some specialties typical of this area that are more difficult to find in other areas of Sicily.

Where to stay

Best Offers of Vacation Rental, hotel, B&B where to sleep in Linguaglossa


Nearby Places

Below you will find a list of the most beautiful places to visit in the surroundings of Linguaglossa. The places are located at a maximum distance of about an half hour by car. Good fun!

Castiglione di Sicilia

Taormina surroundings

Piedimonte Etneo

Catania and Etna

Parco Fluviale dell'Alcantara

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Motta Camastra

Taormina surroundings
